Which blogs, magazines, newsletters, radio- & televisionshows and other media proudly write about or mention the EuroBiCon and/or the EuroBiReCon? Watch this ever-expanding list!
2016-09-24 | Jacq Applebee and Grant Denkinson for Bi Visibility Day Leicester (video): The Home Office’s treatment of Bi- and Transexual asylum seekers (English)
2016-08-03 | Jantine van Lisdonk for rutgers.international (The Netherlands): What to learn about and from bisexual people (English)
2016-08-03 | Jantine van Lisdonk for rutgers.nl (The Netherlands): Wat kunnen we leren over en van biseksuele mensen? (Dutch)
2016-07-29 | Parool Amsterdam: Biseksuelen willen niet in een hokje (Dutch)
2016-07-26 | loottis.com (Spain): Logros del año temático bisexual: La tercera edición de la EuroBiCon da comienzo con un enfoque más científico (español/Spanish)
2016-07-23 | OUT.tv: Tijd om aardiger te zijn voor biseksuelen? (Time to be more polite for bisexuals?) (Dutch)

2016-06-28 | IHLIA LGBT Heritage (The Netherlands): Putting the B in lgBt: Nieuws van de EuroBiCon & EuroBiReCon – blog presents news on the EuroBiReCon EuroBiCon (Dutch).
2016-06-16 | Lezbiyen Biseksüel Feministler (Turkey): Amsterdam’da Gerçekleşecek ‘Avrupa Biseksüel Konferansı’ Yaklaşıyor! (Turkish)
2016-06-08 | Bi Community News (UK): EuroBiCon unveils programme.
2016-06-03 | ILGA World LGBulleTIn #49: “In less than two months’ time, the 4-days European Bisexual Conference (EuroBiCon) will bring together bisexual people and their allies from across Europe and beyond in Amsterdam, Netherlands.”
2016-06-01 | Contigo Contact (The Netherlands): EuroBiCon en EuroBiReCon (Dutch)
2016-05-08 | Landelijk Netwerk Biseksualiteit (The Netherlands): BiMag Lente 2016: EuroBiCon en EuroBiReCon

2016-05-01 | Vlogger Linda de Munck (The Netherlands, 21): Biseksualiteit: Veelgestelde vragen – #LinTalks – she’s been asked to facilitate the workshop To vlog or not to vlog @EuroBiCon (Dutch)
2016-04-26 | IHLIA LGBT Heritage (The Netherlands): Join our Visi-Bi-lity! – blog presents the workshop Why I attend the Bi-Convention by Peter Christen (68) from Zürich (This part of the blog is in English).
2016-04-11 | ZiZo Magazine (Belgium): EuroBiCon tijdens EuroPride van 28 tot 31 juli in Amsterdam (Flamish)
2016-04-07 | LGL Vilnius (Lithuania): European Bisexual Conference goes to Amsterdam

2016-04-07 | PinkSixtyNews Joins our VisiBility! (0:50-0:40)
Presenter Colin Fallesen out of their studio in Central London, UK: ‘This years European Bisexual Conference will take place in Amsterdam from July 28. EuroBiCon offers over 60 workshops covering diversity, health and biphobia, and some fun activities too. The early bird registration closes Sunday.’
2016-04-06 | Bi Community News (UK): European Bisexual Conference goes to Amsterdam
2016-04-06 | Gayten LGBT Belgrade (Serbia): NAJAVE: Evropska konferencija o biseksualnosti ove godine u Amsterdamu
2016-04-05 | La Banda de Moebius Valencia (Spain): Moebius participará en la Conferencia Europea Bisexual(EuroBiCon) en Amsterdam

2016-04-05 | Bi-Stammtisch München (Germany): European Bisexual Conference in Amsterdam
2016-03-30 | IHLIA LGBT Heritage (The Netherlands): EuroBiCon volunteers coordinator Vera Weetzel en EuroBiReCon and EuroBiCon presenter Skylar Leslie on the bi-conference – blog with a Call for Volunteers and upcoming presentation on Bisexuality and work (Dutch)
2016-03-18 | Vrouw.nl (The Netherlands): interview EuroBiCon programmanager Barbara Oud: ‘Ik val op mannen en op vrouwen, nou en?!’ (Dutch)
2016-03-12 | Bi Community News UK: announcement EuroBi(re)Con and EuroBiCon. – Issue 135 Spring edition. Article can be found later this year in BCN’s archive.
2016-03-11 | Zij aan Zij (The Netherlands), magazine for lesbian and bisexual women: newsflash EuroBiCon heads to Amsterdam and opinion Soudeh Rad and Zeinab Peyghambarzadeh, workshopleaders Advocate for Bisexual Asylum Seekers Human Rights! (Dutch, translation into English of opinion avaible, only available in print)
2016-02-29 | ILGA-Europe Rainbow Digest No. 246. February 2016 (Europe). In the issue… Notice board: Mark your calender: two conferences in bisexual issues.
2016-02-22 | Onder Mediadoctoren (The Netherlands): one hour television show on bisexual invisibility in films & television series and the media in general. (Dutch.) See the whole show (59:56 minutes). See the interview with Hilde Vossen (5:21 minutes), which mentions Bi Visibility in European Prides via photos and the link to this website www.eurobicon.org. Listen to the summary on their Soundcloud podcast (25:32 minutes).
2016-02-08 | Portal on Central Eastern and Balkan Europe by IECOB & AIS Bisexuality and (Inter)National Research Frontiers – First European Bisexual Research Conference (EuroBiReCon)
2016-02-08 | Bi Community News (UK): Bisexuality and (Inter)National Research Frontiers.
2016-02-06 | IHLIA LHBT Heritage (The Netherlands): Robyn Ochs: ‘Bisexuality goes beyond the binary gender thinking’ (Dutch)
2015-12-06 | Gay&Lesbian&Bi&Transgender Switchboard (The Netherlands): European Bisexual Research Conference (EuroBiReCon) and European Bisexual Conference in Amsterdam (EuroBiCon) 28-31 July 2016.
2015-12-06 | Bisexual Books on Tumblr Call for Papers: Bisexuality and (Inter)National Research Frontiers
2015-11-16 | IHLIA LGBT Heritage (The Netherlands): Kiss me twice, I’m bisexual – Author Connie van Gils blogs about the European Bisexual Conference (Dutch)
2015-11-15 | Email Newsletter Dutch Bisexual Network – Landelijk Netwerk Biseksualiteit: Bi Mag – Nieuws uit het LNBi: EuroBiCon en EuroBiReCon (Dutch) (photo)
2015-11-11 | Email Newsletter Foundation Polyamory Netherlands – Stichting Polyamorie Nederland (SPN): ‘‘Er zal ruimschoots aandacht zijn voor polyamorie tijdens dit congres.‘ (Dutch)
2015-11-06 | Biscuit (UK): ‘[The UK BiCon] falls just days after the first EuroBicon for more than a decade. The team anticipates a greater number of first time attendees: “There are three major airports within 60 miles of Preston, so you could hop over from Amsterdam in just a few hours,” they told Biscuit.’
2015-11-04 | BiJou 30 – Das Bisexuelle Journal (Germany): Treffen 2016: EuroBiCon on page 44 (pdf) (German)
2015-10-05 | Bi Forum Bi Gruppe HAZ Zürich (Switzerland): ‘Europäische Konferenz rund ums Thema Bisexualität findet im 2016 in Amsterdam statt.’ (Swiss German)
2015-09-23 | Bi Meet-up Bisexual NYC (USA): Grant D.: ‘Please do come over to Europe for EuroBiCon, EuroBiReCon and BiCon next year!‘ (English)
2014-07-24 | Bimedia.org (UK): EuroBiCon returns! (English)
2015-02-04 | The European Pride Organisers Association – EPOA (Europe): Europe – join our freedom @EuroPride 2016 in Amsterdam (English)
2015-02-04 | Amsterdam Gay Pride (The Netherlands) – full colour brochure EuroPride Amsterdam 2016 – EuroBiCon on page 17 (Dutch)
In Calenders
Iamsterdam (The Netherlands): European Bisexual Conference: Dutch and English.
Bi Community News (UK): calender.
BiNe e.V. (Germany): Treffen International: EuroBiCon 2016 (German)
Biversity Boston Calender (USA): July 28 – 31, 2016: European Bisexual Conference in Amsterdam
Expreszo events (Netherlands): EuroBiCon
EuroPride Amsterdam (The Netherlands): European Bisexual Research Conference, European Bisexual Conference and EuroBiCon Party @ Mezrab.
Gendercampus.ch (Switzerland): Bisexuality and (Inter)National Research Frontiers – 28 July 2016 – Amsterdam – First European Bisexual Research Conference (EuroBiReCon) + European Bisexual Conference (EuroBiCon) – Beginning 29 July 2016 – Amsterdam
Landelijk Netwerk Biseksualiteit (The Netherlands): European Bisexual Research Conference and European Bisexual Conference.
MensGo.com (USA): EuroBiCon Party At Mezrab.
Nietalleenanders.nl (Netherlands): EuroBiCon en EuroBiCon Party.
ProudOut.com (USA): First European Bisexual Research Conference, Third European Bisexual Conference and EuroBiCon Party at Mezrab.
Sexual and Relationship Therapy: EuroBi(Re)Con in Calendar of forthcoming events.
Sophia.be (Belgium): 3rd European Bisexual Conference (EuroBiCon and EuroReBiCon)